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A Homeowner in Buellton Can Enjoy the Beauty of Her Kitchen Surfaces Thanks to Our Tile and Grout Cleaners

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September 26, 2024

A large kitchen can provide lots of comfort, but routine cleaning can be a headache when dirt starts leaving a mark on unprotected grout surfaces. A homeowner in Buellton, CA, could see that her kitchen had adopted a dull, sad appearance after her cleaning methods stopped working on the grout. From the floor to the large counter, different parts of the kitchen had the same tile layout, and that made the problem all the more evident.

Kitchen Floor Before and After a Service from Our Tile and Grout Cleaners in Buellton
The homeowner was exhausted at the end of her cleaning sessions, and her kitchen surfaces never showed any improvement. It was time to get a professional's assistance. She started looking for restoration services online, and her search led her to our tile and grout cleaners in Buellton, CA. She felt very optimistic about everything she read about Sir Grout Central Coast, so it wasn't hard to decide on the next step. The homeowner got in touch with our specialists via the website's contact form, and it was smooth sailing from there.

Our techs visited her house two days later, and she led them to the kitchen area so they could evaluate the floor and the counter. Many of the problems were on full display, like a thin layer of embedded dirt that muted the color of the ceramic tiles. Our experts could see shoe prints and other marks on the floor, on top of all the embedded dirt covering the thick grout lines in both parts of the kitchen.

Countertop Before and After a Service from Our Tile and Grout Cleaners in Buellton
It was obvious that the grout needed to be re-sealed since there was no way to keep all the dirt at bay in such a large room. Our specialists offered to use their special cleaning equipment on the floor and to protect the grout with acrylic-based sealant after all the dirt was removed from the porous surface. Fully on board with this plan, the client thanked our crew and scheduled a new date for the restoration.

At her convenience, our experts returned to the house later that week. Once inside the kitchen, they soaked all the soiled surfaces with a non-toxic cleaner and scrubbed off the dirt after letting the product sit for a couple of minutes. They used a high-speed scrubber to accelerate the process on the large kitchen floor, making several laps around the area to ensure that nothing remained embedded between the tiles.

When everything was ready for the next step, our techs got ready to apply sealant to the grout. They used Sir Grout's ColorSeal, an acrylic-based sealant that remains on the porous surface for months, protecting the grout and repelling liquids, grease, grime, soil, mold, etc. It even guards the surface against UV rays in areas directly exposed to sunlight, like the kitchen counter. Our crew recolored the grout to match the ceramic tiles and restore the uniformity that made both parts of the kitchen complement each other.

Lastly, they applied tile sealant and buffed the floor before inviting the homeowner back into the kitchen. She was impressed with the result and thanked our team for restoring her kitchen surfaces to their original color. She finally felt the comfort and awe she'd missed after her past cleaning attempts.

Our specialists had some additional tips to help the client prevent the deterioration of her kitchen surfaces. They explained that pH-neutral cleaners are more effective and less harmful. Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner doesn't have any of the harsh ingredients that would corrode tile and grout surfaces over time. It doesn't weaken the sealant's protection nor trap the dirt on the pores of unsealed grout. Our product is designed to provide all the benefits you expect to find in generic cleaners, so high-traffic surfaces stay spotless for much longer, and you don't have to worry about contaminating your home with toxic fumes.

Next, we recommended using non-abrasive tools to make the best of pH-neutral cleaners without risking scratch marks on the tiles. For all the durability, ceramic tile surfaces will suffer a lot of damage if you use steel wools to scrub off the stains. Using dirty tools is just as harmful, so make sure to wash your equipment before each new cleaning session.

The client also asked for ways to prevent the spread of mold, and our techs explained that good indoor ventilation is the most effective solution to prevent the effects of moisture buildup. Kitchen and bathroom surfaces are more prone to damage because they're exposed to a lot of dampness throughout the day; opening the windows and doors can do a lot to prevent any issues that could affect your home's hygiene.

Looking for a reliable grout cleaning service in Buellton, CA? Sir Grout Central Coast is here to transform your residential surfaces with top-tier methods and the most advanced equipment. You can trust our crew with the most important parts of your home and the result will not let you down! Just call (805) 232-7471 or schedule a free quote online to request an appointment. Also, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.
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